Monday, December 5, 2011

April 2012, Village Learning Place, Read the Small Press Initiative

We are pleased to announce a new partnership with the Village Learning Place (2521 St. Paul Street) for the 2012 Cruellest Month Poetry and Performance Festival.

We will be posting more information in a few weeks about April's events. Please let us know if you have any interest in participating.

In the mean time, we are working with the Village Learning Place to collect books for the Read the Small Print initiative

If you have books to donate, please contact Douglas Mowbray:

See you in April! Enjoy your holidays.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Idylls Show and Launch Party

Paul MortonThe AthenaeumWarming Up
Books for SaleIdylls for a Bare Stage by Magus Magnus (twentythreebooks, 2011)Hipponax
Sue StruveWelcome from Magus MagnusKimberly Mikec, "A Sorceress Casts a Spell on Her Faithless Lover"
Kimberly MikecRachel MorrisseyHarlie Sponagle, "A Mother Feels Her Estranged Daughter's Labor Pains"Harlie SponagleSue Struve

Magus Magnus, author of Heraclitean Pride, and former Director of the Yockadot Poetics Theatre Project celebrates the release of his latest book, Idylls for a Bare Stage at the Athenaeum.

Featuring performances by the Actors' Center of Washington D.C. and music by Old Songs with Mark Jickling and Chris Mason.

Performances from Idylls for a Bare Stage as well as other relevant works are featured.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Deborah Edelman, CruMoPoPerFest 2010

IMG_7496 by minorpoet
IMG_7496, a photo by minorpoet on Flickr.

R.I.P. Deborah. We've lost one of our beloved local poets and past host of a night of poetry during the 2010 Cruellest Month Poetry and Performance Festival.

Poets, simply, never die. Death may be a word or a theme in a poem, but poetry and poets long ago defied and won out over such unimaginative notions of finality.

You are a bird feather in the stream, and the stream itself. Until, until.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Thursday, April 28, 2011

April 25, 2011 CruMo Reading


Join the Maryland Writers’ Association (MWA) for a reading and book launch party. A baker’s dozen of poets will share their work from Life in Me Like Grass on Fire: Love Poems, a poetry anthology published by the MWA in celebration of National Poetry Month featuring 50 Maryland poets.